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--- class: center, middle # SRE with .NET => ( press > ) Code at --- # Agenda 0. About me 1. SRE_with_NET : 2. How can I check the health of the service 2. How can I safely and gracefully restart the service 3. How and why would the service fail 4. Do you use appropriate logging levels depending on the environments ? 5. What kind of metrics are you exposing ? 6. Is there any documentation/design specification for the service ? 7. How does the data flow through the service ? 8. What is the testing coverage for this service ? 9. Links 7. Discussion / Questions ? --- class: top # About me ![:img ignat, 10%](ignat.jpg) Andrei Ignat www.ASP.NET forum moderator YouTube 5 minutes .NET and tools : Book Making Open Source Component : Book Copy Paste from StackOverflow : Roslyn Source Code Generators with examples : Amazon: Free: Monthly meetings: --- class: top # How can I check the health of the service Q: Did you securely configured endpoints that I can ping periodically? Is it going to use the same port as the service ? A: Demo 1: http://localhost:5128/BlocklyAutomation/automation/loadexample/healthcheck You can add also sql server and more ... --- class: top # How can I safely and gracefully restart the service Q: Does graceful shutdowns wait for inflight requests to finish? If I restart the service, will there be any disruption or performance degradation? A: Shutdown -ok . Gracefull - not so ok . Maybe with a middleware ? --- class: top # How and why would the service fail Q: Does it has any external dependencies ? And what happens if it does ? Do you have a playbook, or sequence of steps, to bring the service back up? A: HealthCheck with Sql Server --- class: top # Do you use appropriate logging levels depending on the environments ? Q: Are you logging to stdout ? What format of logs are you using, (JSON, PLAINTEXT)? A: NLog and NLOGConfig --- class: top # What kind of metrics are you exposing Q: Are you measuring the RED signals? Rate (# of requests per second) Errors (# of errors per second) and Duration (time each request takes) A: grafana, prometheus, azure instrumentation .... --- class: top # Is there any documentation/design specification for the service ? Q: Are you using gRPC or REST ? How can I see the API contract? Do you have a OpenAPI/Swagger spec A: Swagger TBD : swagger to html --- class: top # How does the data flow through the service ? Q: Do you have any PII/Sensitive data flowing through the service? Is any part of the data captured in the service logs? A: Do not know.... --- class: top # What is the testing coverage ? Q: Do you wrote unit, integration tests for it? Is there a end to end test that I can run discard issues? A: (X|N|)Unit | MSTest Coverlet with ReportGenerator --- class: left, top # Questions? Andrei Ignat www.ASP.NET forum moderator YouTube 5 minutes .NET and tools : Book Making Open Source Component : Book Copy Paste from StackOverflow : Roslyn Source Code Generators with examples : Amazon: Free: Monthly meetings: