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If you are new to the NetPackageAnalyzer


You can start by the projects on the BuildingBlocks page. You can find the projects that are used in the solution and not referencing any other project .


You can start by the TestProjects page. You can run the tests to have an idea of how the program works.


Also, you can have an idea of the whole solution by looking at the ProjectRelation page.

If you are familiar with NetPackageAnalyzer and want to analyze


You may want to look at the packages used in the solution on the Packages page. You can see there the packages that are used in the solution and the projects that are using them . Pay attention to those that major version are different.


You can have an idea of the whole solution by looking at the ProjectRelation page.


You can have an idea of the commits per year for the projects on the Commits page. You can see there the commits per year for the projects in the solution.


You may also want to see deprecated / outdated packages by going to DisplayOutdatedDeprecated page.


Also you can see one project at a time by looking at the Projects page. You can see there the

  1. Relations with another projects
  2. Packages used in the project
  3. Commits per year
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