DotnetYang by Westermo Network Technologies
Nuget / site data
Name: DotnetYang
Package Description
Author: Westermo Network Technologies
You can find more details at
Original Readme
dotnetYang is a Roslyn source generator for using the .yang language to generate C# code, providing access to data models, ease-of-use asynchronous RPC, Action & Notification calls directly from code and generated server interfaces.
- Drop-and-go: Add your .yang files to a C# project as additional files that references this generator, that is it, your .yang defined RPC's and more are now available directly in that C# projects code
- Server-interface: Want to implement a server that responds to NETCONF calls? Look no further than the generated interface
and it's extension methodasync Task Recieve(this IYangServer server, Stream input, Stream output);
which provides a framework for implementing your own server without having to worry about serializing and parsing NETCONF directly, but instead work with well defined C# Datatypes.
Getting Started
In order to start using dotnetYang
on a new .csproj project, start by adding the nuget packages by, for example, using the dotnet CLI in your project directory:
dotnet add package dotnetYang
Afterwards, create or add a .yang file to said project:
module some-module {
yang-version 1.1;
namespace "urn:dotnet:yang:some:module";
prefix sm;
identity someIdentity;
identity someOtherIdentity
base someIdentity;
rpc doSomething {
input {
leaf the-big-leaf
type uint32;
default "4";
description "The value that is the input of the doSomething rpc";
output {
leaf response
type identityref
base someIdentity;
default "someOtherIdentity";
description "The identity that is the output of the doSomething rpc";
And then add it as an additional file to your .csproj file
<Project Sdk="Microsoft.NET.Sdk">
<!--Other parts of the .csproj file -->
<AdditionalFiles Include="some-module.yang" />
<!--Other parts of the .csproj file -->
Now the generated C# code from some-module.yang
will be available, with it's naming conventions adjusted to be C# compliant
namespace MyProject;
public class Program
public static async Task Main()
IChannel channel = //...Code for setting up whatever channel you want to send the rpc over
int messageID = //...Code for getting message id;
//Set up the rpc input, not the slight name changes
Some.Module.YangNode.DoSomethingInput input = new Some.Module.YangNode.DoSomethingInput
TheBigLeaf = 123
//Call the rpc function, note the slight name changes and the asynchronous nature of the call
Some.Module.YangNode.DoSomethingOutput output = await Some.Module.YangNode.DoSomething(channel, messageID, input);
//Write the "response" leaf of the output to console.
Server creation
Say that you want to create a server that can response to calls defined in some-module.yang
, then you would create a class that implementes the generated IYangServer
interface, which might look something like this:
using Some.Module;
namespace MyProject;
public class Server : IYangServer
public async Task<YangNode.DoSomethingOutput> OnDoSomething(YangNode.DoSomethingInput input)
//Do whatever it is the server is expected to do when told to "doSomething"...
//Await something, do something else, the options are endless...
//Create the output, not nessecarily like this..
YangNode.DoSomethingOutput output = new YangNode.DoSomethingOutput();
return output;
Of course, if there are a lot of yang modules in a project, IYangServer
runs the risk of becoming rather big. In such a case, it is recommended to split it's implementation into several partial
server classes in order to maintain readability.
Generating source code from YANG models
How to use
Example ( source csproj, source files )
- CSharp Project
- Program.cs
- demo.yang
This is the CSharp Project that references DotnetYang
<Project Sdk="Microsoft.NET.Sdk">
<AdditionalFiles Include="demo.yang" />
<PackageReference Include="dotnetYang" Version="0.3.0" />
This is the use of DotnetYang in Program.cs
Console.WriteLine("Yang file from!");
Some.Module.YangNode.DoSomethingInput input = new Some.Module.YangNode.DoSomethingInput
TheBigLeaf = 123
This is the use of DotnetYang in demo.yang
module some-module {
yang-version 1.1;
namespace "urn:dotnet:yang:andrei";
prefix sm;
identity someIdentity;
identity someOtherIdentity
base someIdentity;
rpc doSomething {
input {
leaf the-big-leaf
type uint32;
default "4";
description "The value that is the input of the doSomething rpc";
output {
leaf response
type identityref
base someIdentity;
default "someOtherIdentity";
description "The identity that is the output of the doSomething rpc";
Generated Files
Those are taken from $(BaseIntermediateOutputPath)\GX
- Configuration.cs
- some-module.cs
using System;
using System.Xml;
using YangSupport;
namespace yangDemo;
///Configuration root object for yangDemo based on provided .yang modules
public class Configuration
public Some.Module.YangNode? SomeModule { get; set; }
public async Task WriteXMLAsync(XmlWriter writer)
await writer.WriteStartElementAsync(null,"root",null);
if(SomeModule is not null) await SomeModule.WriteXMLAsync(writer);
await writer.WriteEndElementAsync();
public static async Task<Configuration> ParseAsync(XmlReader reader)
Some.Module.YangNode? _SomeModule = default!;
while(await reader.ReadAsync())
case XmlNodeType.Element:
case "some-module":
_SomeModule = await Some.Module.YangNode.ParseAsync(reader);
case "rpc-error": throw await RpcException.ParseAsync(reader);
default: throw new Exception($"Unexpected element '{reader.Name}' under 'root'");
case XmlNodeType.EndElement when reader.Name == "root":
return new Configuration{
SomeModule = _SomeModule,
case XmlNodeType.Whitespace: break;
default: throw new Exception($"Unexpected node type '{reader.NodeType}' : '{reader.Name}' under 'root'");
throw new Exception("Reached end-of-readability without ever returning from Configuration.ParseAsync");
public static class IYangServerExtensions
public static async Task Receive(this IYangServer server, global::System.IO.Stream input, global::System.IO.Stream output)
var initialPosition = output.Position;
var initialLength = output.Length;
string? id = null;
using XmlReader reader = XmlReader.Create(input, SerializationHelper.GetStandardReaderSettings());
using XmlWriter writer = XmlWriter.Create(output, SerializationHelper.GetStandardWriterSettings());
await reader.ReadAsync();
case "rpc":
id = reader.ParseMessageId();
await writer.WriteStartElementAsync(null, "rpc-reply", "urn:ietf:params:xml:ns:netconf:base:1.0");
await writer.WriteAttributeStringAsync(null, "message-id", null, id);
await reader.ReadAsync();
case "action":
await server.ReceiveAction(reader, writer);
await server.ReceiveRPC(reader, writer);
await writer.WriteEndElementAsync();
await writer.FlushAsync();
case "notification":
var eventTime = await reader.ParseEventTime();
await reader.ReadAsync();
await server.ReceiveNotification(reader, eventTime);
catch(RpcException ex)
await writer.FlushAsync();
output.Position = initialPosition;
await ex.SerializeAsync(output,id);
catch(Exception ex)
await writer.FlushAsync();
output.Position = initialPosition;
await output.SerializeRegularExceptionAsync(ex,id);
public static async Task ReceiveRPC(this IYangServer server, XmlReader reader, XmlWriter writer)
case "doSomething" when reader.NamespaceURI is "urn:dotnet:yang:andrei":
var input = await Some.Module.YangNode.DoSomethingInput.ParseAsync(reader);
var task = server.OnDoSomething(input);
var response = await task;
await response.WriteXMLAsync(writer);
public static async Task ReceiveAction(this IYangServer server, XmlReader reader, XmlWriter writer)
await reader.ReadAsync();
public static async Task ReceiveNotification(this IYangServer server, XmlReader reader, DateTime eventTime)
using System;
using System.Xml;
using System.Text;
using System.Collections.Generic;
using System.Runtime.CompilerServices;
using System.Xml.Linq;
using System.Text.RegularExpressions;
using YangSupport;
namespace yangDemo
public partial interface IYangServer
Task<Some.Module.YangNode.DoSomethingOutput> OnDoSomething(Some.Module.YangNode.DoSomethingInput input);
namespace Some.Module{
public class YangNode
public const string ModuleName = "some-module";
public const string Revision = "";
public static string[] Features = [];
//Yang Version 1.1
public const string Namespace = "urn:dotnet:yang:andrei";
public static string GetEncodedValue(SomeIdentityIdentity value)
case SomeIdentityIdentity.SomeIdentity: return "someIdentity";
case SomeIdentityIdentity.SomeOtherIdentity: return "someOtherIdentity";
default: return value.ToString();
public static string GetEncodedValue(SomeIdentityIdentity? value) => GetEncodedValue(value!.Value!);
public static SomeIdentityIdentity GetSomeIdentityIdentityValue(string value)
case "someIdentity": return SomeIdentityIdentity.SomeIdentity;
case "someOtherIdentity": return SomeIdentityIdentity.SomeOtherIdentity;
default: throw new Exception($"{value} is not a valid value for SomeIdentityIdentity");
public enum SomeIdentityIdentity
public static string GetEncodedValue(SomeOtherIdentityIdentity value)
case SomeOtherIdentityIdentity.SomeOtherIdentity: return "someOtherIdentity";
default: return value.ToString();
public static string GetEncodedValue(SomeOtherIdentityIdentity? value) => GetEncodedValue(value!.Value!);
public static SomeOtherIdentityIdentity GetSomeOtherIdentityIdentityValue(string value)
case "someOtherIdentity": return SomeOtherIdentityIdentity.SomeOtherIdentity;
default: throw new Exception($"{value} is not a valid value for SomeOtherIdentityIdentity");
public enum SomeOtherIdentityIdentity
public static async Task<Some.Module.YangNode.DoSomethingOutput> DoSomething(IChannel channel, int messageID, Some.Module.YangNode.DoSomethingInput input)
using XmlWriter writer = XmlWriter.Create(channel.WriteStream, SerializationHelper.GetStandardWriterSettings());
await writer.WriteStartElementAsync(null,"rpc","urn:ietf:params:xml:ns:netconf:base:1.0");
await writer.WriteAttributeStringAsync(null,"message-id",null,messageID.ToString());
await writer.WriteStartElementAsync("","doSomething","urn:dotnet:yang:andrei");
await input.WriteXMLAsync(writer);
await writer.WriteEndElementAsync();
await writer.WriteEndElementAsync();
await writer.FlushAsync();
await channel.Send();
using XmlReader reader = XmlReader.Create(channel.ReadStream, SerializationHelper.GetStandardReaderSettings());
await reader.ReadAsync();
if(reader.NodeType != XmlNodeType.Element || reader.Name != "rpc-reply" || reader.NamespaceURI != "urn:ietf:params:xml:ns:netconf:base:1.0" || reader["message-id"] != messageID.ToString())
throw new Exception($"Expected stream to start with a <rpc-reply> element with message id {messageID} & \"urn:ietf:params:xml:ns:netconf:base:1.0\" but got {reader.NodeType}: {reader.Name} in {reader.NamespaceURI}");
var value = await DoSomethingOutput.ParseAsync(reader);
return value;
public class DoSomethingOutput
///The identity that is the output of the doSomething rpc
public SomeIdentityIdentity? Response { get; set; } = SomeIdentityIdentity.SomeOtherIdentity;
public static async Task<DoSomethingOutput> ParseAsync(XmlReader reader)
SomeIdentityIdentity? _Response = default!;
while(await reader.ReadAsync())
case XmlNodeType.Element:
case "response":
await reader.ReadAsync();
if(reader.NodeType != XmlNodeType.Text)
throw new Exception($"Expected token in ParseCall for 'response' to be text, but was '{reader.NodeType}'");
_Response = GetSomeIdentityIdentityValue(await reader.GetValueAsync());
await reader.ReadAsync();
if(reader.NodeType != XmlNodeType.EndElement)
throw new Exception($"Expected token in ParseCall for 'response' to be an element closure, but was '{reader.NodeType}'");
case "rpc-error": throw await RpcException.ParseAsync(reader);
default: throw new Exception($"Unexpected element '{reader.Name}' under 'rpc-reply'");
case XmlNodeType.EndElement when reader.Name == "rpc-reply":
return new DoSomethingOutput{
Response = _Response,
case XmlNodeType.Whitespace: break;
default: throw new Exception($"Unexpected node type '{reader.NodeType}' : '{reader.Name}' under 'rpc-reply'");
throw new Exception("Reached end-of-readability without ever returning from DoSomethingOutput.ParseAsync");
public async Task WriteXMLAsync(XmlWriter writer)
if(Response != default)
await writer.WriteStartElementAsync(null,"response","urn:dotnet:yang:andrei");
await writer.WriteStringAsync(YangNode.GetEncodedValue(Response!));
await writer.WriteEndElementAsync();
public class DoSomethingInput
///The value that is the input of the doSomething rpc
public uint? TheBigLeaf { get; set; } = 4;
public async Task WriteXMLAsync(XmlWriter writer)
if(TheBigLeaf != default)
await writer.WriteStartElementAsync(null,"the-big-leaf","urn:dotnet:yang:andrei");
await writer.WriteStringAsync(TheBigLeaf!.ToString());
await writer.WriteEndElementAsync();
public static async Task<DoSomethingInput> ParseAsync(XmlReader reader)
uint? _TheBigLeaf = default!;
while(await reader.ReadAsync())
case XmlNodeType.Element:
case "the-big-leaf":
await reader.ReadAsync();
if(reader.NodeType != XmlNodeType.Text)
throw new Exception($"Expected token in ParseCall for 'the-big-leaf' to be text, but was '{reader.NodeType}'");
_TheBigLeaf = uint.Parse(await reader.GetValueAsync());
await reader.ReadAsync();
if(reader.NodeType != XmlNodeType.EndElement)
throw new Exception($"Expected token in ParseCall for 'the-big-leaf' to be an element closure, but was '{reader.NodeType}'");
case "rpc-error": throw await RpcException.ParseAsync(reader);
default: throw new Exception($"Unexpected element '{reader.Name}' under 'doSomething'");
case XmlNodeType.EndElement when reader.Name == "doSomething":
return new DoSomethingInput{
TheBigLeaf = _TheBigLeaf,
case XmlNodeType.Whitespace: break;
default: throw new Exception($"Unexpected node type '{reader.NodeType}' : '{reader.Name}' under 'doSomething'");
throw new Exception("Reached end-of-readability without ever returning from DoSomethingInput.ParseAsync");
public static async Task<Some.Module.YangNode> ParseAsync(XmlReader reader)
while(await reader.ReadAsync())
case XmlNodeType.Element:
case "rpc-error": throw await RpcException.ParseAsync(reader);
default: throw new Exception($"Unexpected element '{reader.Name}' under 'some-module'");
case XmlNodeType.EndElement when reader.Name == "some-module":
return new Some.Module.YangNode{
case XmlNodeType.Whitespace: break;
default: throw new Exception($"Unexpected node type '{reader.NodeType}' : '{reader.Name}' under 'some-module'");
throw new Exception("Reached end-of-readability without ever returning from Some.Module.YangNode.ParseAsync");
public async Task WriteXMLAsync(XmlWriter writer)
await writer.WriteStartElementAsync(null,"some-module","urn:dotnet:yang:andrei");
await writer.WriteEndElementAsync();
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