190 RSCG list by category
Expand Actor =>examples:1
Expand AOP =>examples:1
Expand API =>examples:9
Expand Bitwise =>examples:2
Expand Blazor =>examples:2
Expand Builder =>examples:5
Expand CodeToString =>examples:3
Expand Constructor =>examples:7
Expand Database =>examples:5
Expand DependencyInjection =>examples:8
Expand Disposer =>examples:5
Expand EnhancementClass =>examples:27
Expand EnhancementProject =>examples:19
Expand Enum =>examples:6
Expand Equals =>examples:3
Expand FilesToCode =>examples:14
Expand FunctionalProgramming =>examples:15
Expand Hangfire =>examples:1
Expand Interface =>examples:12
Expand Mapper =>examples:8
Expand Mediator =>examples:3
Expand MVVM =>examples:2
Expand Optimizer =>examples:1
Expand PrimitiveObsession =>examples:5
Expand Serializer =>examples:5
Expand SignalR =>examples:1
Expand Templating =>examples:12
Expand WinAPI =>examples:1
📄️ 01 - ThisAssembly
The ThisAssembly.Info allows you access to the Assembly Information as constants, instead of going to reflection each time.
📄️ 02 - RSCG_TimeBombComment
This will generate an error from the comment after a certain date
📄️ 03 - System.Text.Json
Json Serialize without reflection
📄️ 04 - RSCG_Utils
Add files as C# consts
📄️ 05 - System.Text.RegularExpressions
Regex compiled
📄️ 06 - SkinnyControllersCommon
Automatically add controllers actions for any class injected in constructor
📄️ 07 - Microsoft.Extensions.Logging
Logging defined and compiled
📄️ 08 - RSCG_Static
Generate interfaces and classes from static classes
📄️ 09 - CommunityToolkit.Mvvm
Shows how to implement INotifyPropertyChanged,ObservableProperty and RelayCommand
📄️ 10 - RSCG_AMS
Automatically registering the version, ci, commit id
📄️ 11 - AutoDeconstruct
Automatically add deconstruct for all types in an assembly
📄️ 12 - System.Runtime.InteropServices
Generate PInvoke calls
📄️ 13 - QuickConstructor
Fast add constructors that are read only FIELDS
📄️ 14 - AutoCtor
Generate constructor from non-initialized fields
📄️ 15 - dunet
Add union types to C# - similar with F#/TS discriminated unions
📄️ 16 - Vogen
Transform values( e.g. int) into classes
📄️ 17 - RazorBlade
Fast templating with Razor syntax
📄️ 18 - PartiallyApplied
If you need to curry functions, you can use this package
📄️ 19 - ApparatusAOT
This will generate code for investigating at runtime the properties of an object
📄️ 20 - NetEscapades.EnumGenerators
Running fast tostring and other features for enum
📄️ 21 - Microsoft.Interop.JavaScript.JSImportGenerator
Generating partial JSimport / JSExport in C# form
📄️ 22 - RSCG_FunctionsWithDI
Generating functions that have parameters from services
📄️ 23 - Microsoft.NET.Sdk.Razor.SourceGenerators
Generating razor/cshtml pages to cs pages
📄️ 24 - Rocks
Creating mocks for testing interfaces/classes
📄️ 25 - mapperly
Mapping classes to/from DTO
📄️ 26 - Podimo.ConstEmbed
File content transformed to constants
📄️ 27 - EmbedResourceCSharp
reading embedded resources fast
📄️ 28 - Lombok.NET
Generating toString from props/fields. Other demos on site
📄️ 29 - Gedaq
Generating code from attribute query
📄️ 30 - Refit
Generates code for retrieving data from HTTP API
📄️ 31 - MorrisMoxy
Generate C# code for classes from template using attributes
📄️ 32 - Mediator
Gnerating mediator data without reflection
📄️ 33 - Matryoshki
Adding decorators to an implementation of interface
📄️ 34 - MemoryPack
Efficient serializer
📄️ 35 - DeeDee
Mediatr generated data
📄️ 36 - ProxyGen
intercepting and duck typing
📄️ 37 - AutoRegisterInject
Generating class DI registration from attributes
📄️ 38 - EnumClass
enum 2 class
📄️ 39 - Breezy
ORM Mapper
📄️ 40 - FastGenericNew
Creating instances fast. As generator show source code. Otherwise could be a dll
📄️ 41 - GeneratorEquals
Generating Equals from properties
📄️ 42 - Immutype
Immutable from constructors
📄️ 43 - spreadcheetah
generating Excel from objects
📄️ 44 - SyncMethodGenerator
Generating Sync method from async
📄️ 45 - BenutomoAutomaticDisposeImplSourceGenerator
Automatic dispose resources
📄️ 46 - NextGenMapper
Automating generating mapping between classes
📄️ 47 - Injectio
Attributes to DI helper
📄️ 48 - PropertyChangedSourceGenerator
Generating PropertyChange to properties
📄️ 49 - Strongly
Generate and customize strong id structs
📄️ 50 - Ridge
Generating test classes for controllers
📄️ 51 - OneOf
Functional discriminated unions
📄️ 52 - Gobie
templating for classes , fields ...
📄️ 53 - RSCG_WebAPIExports
Generating Excel from WebAPI json array
📄️ 54 - AutoDTO
Generate DTO classes from business/ef classes
📄️ 55 - M31.FluentAPI
Builder for your class. But the order counts - generates a new interface each time
📄️ 56 - Roozie.AutoInterface
Generating interfaces from project
📄️ 57 - RSCG_Utils_Memo
Memo the function result
📄️ 58 - ThisAssembly_Resources
Embed resources to file
📄️ 59 - SourceGenerator.Helper.CopyCode
Transform Code to string
📄️ 60 - SafeRouting
Safe Routing for MVC
📄️ 61 - ProtobufSourceGenerator
Serializing a class to protobuf
📄️ 62 - RSCG_Decorator
Intercept methods - start, stop,exception
📄️ 63 - StringLiteral
Optimizing memory for strings
📄️ 64 - ResXGenerator
Resources as string
📄️ 65 - Disposer
Generates partials for dispose resources
📄️ 66 - BuilderGenerator
Generating Builder class for an object
📄️ 67 - MapTo
AutoGenerate Mapping
📄️ 68 - JsonPolymorphicGenerator
Generating JsonDerivedType to be added to the base class
📄️ 69 - RSCG_Templating
Templating every your data ( starting with class)
📄️ 70 - MagicMap
Auto mapping
📄️ 71 - DisposableHelpers
Generating boilerplate for thread safe Dispose
📄️ 72 - Meziantou.Polyfill
Generating polyfills that you can see source without de-compiling
📄️ 73 - IDisposableGenerator
Generating disposable
📄️ 74 - CredFetoEnum
Enum / description to string
📄️ 75 - StaticReflection
Call prop/methods on classes
📄️ 76 - UnitGenerator
Generating classes instead of value objects( e.g. int)
📄️ 77 - DynamicsMapper
Mapper for Dataverse client - generates also column names from properties
📄️ 78 - MinimalApiBuilder
Generate Minimal API from classes
📄️ 79 - DudNet
Generate proxy classes for the principal classes
📄️ 80 - AutoConstructor
Generating constructor for class with many properties
📄️ 81 - N.SourceGenerators.UnionTypes
Generating different union types
📄️ 82 - jsonConverterSourceGenerator
Json Polymorphic generator
📄️ 83 - PrimaryParameter
Generating properties from .NET 8 constructor parameters
📄️ 84 - Biwen.AutoClassGen
Generating properties from interface to class.
📄️ 85 - Microsoft.Extensions.Options.Generators.OptionsValidatorGenerator
Generating the validation for data annotations on options classes.
📄️ 86 - Microsoft.Extensions.Configuration.Binder
Generating Binding for configuration files
📄️ 87 - RDG
Generating replacing for minimal API Map
📄️ 88 - Com
Generating Com Declarations
📄️ 89 - InterceptorTemplate
Andrei Ignat
📄️ 90 - TelemetryLogging
Generating deep logging messages for a class
📄️ 91 - Ling.Audit
Generating audit data from class implementation of interfaces
📄️ 92 - RSCG_UtilityTypes
Add omit and pick to selectively generate types from existing types
📄️ 93 - mocklis
Generating mocks from classes for unit tests
📄️ 94 - AspectGenerator
AOP for methods in the same project. Uses interceptors
📄️ 95 - CopyCat
Implementation of the Decorator pattern in C# - only for not implemented methods
📄️ 96 - HsuSgSync
Generate code for async to sync methods
📄️ 97 - DomainPrimitives
One of the most complete and mature libraries for DomainPrimitives in .NET
📄️ 98 - Funcky.DiscriminatedUnion
Generating discriminated unions for C# 9.0 and above.
📄️ 99 - MakeInterface.Generator
Generating interface from class definition
📄️ 100 - BuildInfo
Generating build information
📄️ 101 - Chorn.EmbeddedResourceAccessGenerator
Embedded Resources to C# Code
📄️ 102 - Blazorators
Generate javascript interop code for Blazor WASM projects.
📄️ 103 - HangfireRecurringJob
Generating recurring jobs for Hangfire from class attribute
📄️ 104 - NotNot.AppSettings
Application Settings to strongly typed classes. Generate also from AppSettings development
📄️ 104 - NotNotAppSettings
Application Settings to strongly typed classes. Generate also from AppSettings development
📄️ 105 - Weave
Scriban like generator
📄️ 106 - WhatIAmDoing
Intercept any method in any project
📄️ 107 - NetAutomaticInterface
GEnerating interface from class
📄️ 108 - CommandLine
Generating easy command line applications.
📄️ 109 - FunicularSwitch
Generating discriminated unions for C# 9.0 and above.
📄️ 110 - jab
generating DI code
📄️ 111 - cachesourcegenerator
Caching methods results
📄️ 112 - OptionToStringGenerator
Generating similar ToString method for classes with many properties. It can also generate for external classes.
📄️ 113 - sourcedepend
Generating constructor for DI
📄️ 114 - corecraft
Decomposing properties and class into Domain Models. Seems however too complicated to use
📄️ 115 - UnionsGenerator
Generating Union types for C#
📄️ 116 - CopyTo
Generating copy to code for properties of a class
📄️ 117 - PlantUmlClassDiagramGenerator
Generating UML from class definitions
📄️ 118 - RSCG_Wait
Demo for waiting in compilation and show the options of compiling the code
📄️ 119 - AutoGen
Generating function to map DTOs
📄️ 120 - LingoGen
Translating from multiple languages
📄️ 121 - AutoSpectre
Generating prompt to input values for a console application.
📄️ 122 - RSCG_JSON2Class
transform any json into a class
📄️ 123 - CodeAnalysis
Code to string literal. Unfortunately, it carries also some other CodeAnalysis generated files, which are not so useful.
📄️ 124 - Architect.DomainModeling
Domain Modelling -DDD, Entity and more. Here I will show just the builder
📄️ 125 - AutoInvoke.Generator
Finding all implementation of an interface/class and invoke them.
📄️ 126 - LinqGen.Generator
No-alloc for Linq operations
📄️ 127 - TypeUtilities
Pick/Omit for classes ( also have some mapping )
📄️ 128 - Farskeptic.AutoCompose
Generating decorators for classes that implements interfaces.
📄️ 129 - CommonCodeGenerator
Generating ToString from classes
📄️ 130 - MSTest
AOP for MSTest
📄️ 131 - EnumUtilities
Enum to string- and multiple other extensions for an enum
📄️ 132 - UnionGen
Generating unions between types
📄️ 133 - FusionReactor
Enums to string and other extensions
📄️ 134 - StronglyTypedUid
Transforming a record into a GUID
📄️ 135 - BitsKit
Reading efficiently from a bit structure
📄️ 136 - MinimalApis.Discovery
Controller like API registering
📄️ 137 - Minerals.AutoInterfaces
Generating interface from class
📄️ 138 - RossLean.StringificationGenerator
Generating constructor code as string
📄️ 139 - ThisClass
Generate full class name from class
📄️ 140 - Minerals.AutoMixins
Generate Mixin from another classes
📄️ 141 - ActorSrcGen
Generating source code for actors in C#.
📄️ 142 - TableStorage
Generate resources for accessing Azure Table Storage
📄️ 143 - FactoryGenerator
generating DI code
📄️ 144 - depso
generating DI code
📄️ 145 - DotnetYang
Generating source code from YANG models
📄️ 146 - RSCG_IFormattable
Generating .ToString for IFormattable
📄️ 147 - JKToolKit.TemplatePropertyGenerator
String templating for a class
📄️ 148 - ThisAssembly.Constants
Generating Constants from csproj
📄️ 149 - Pekspro.BuildInformationGenerator
adding git build information
📄️ 150 - ThisAssembly.Metadata
Generating code from assembly metadata
📄️ 151 - ThisAssembly.Strings
generating code from resx files
📄️ 152 - ServiceScan.SourceGenerator
Generating service collection / DI registration
📄️ 153 - RSCG_ExportDiagram
Generating diagram for relation classes within referenced project
📄️ 154 - Fluentify
Generate fluent builder
📄️ 155 - Coplt.Dropping
Generating disposable
📄️ 156 - RSCG_NameGenerator
Generating unique names for assemblies
📄️ 157 - Sera.Union
Generate tagged union
📄️ 158 - Enhanced.GetTypes
Generating list of PUBLIC classes that implements an interface
📄️ 159 - LightweightObjectMapper
Generating function to map DTOs
📄️ 160 - Dusharp
Generate tagged union
📄️ 161 - Immediate.Handlers
Generating mediator like handlers
📄️ 162 - MinimalHelpers.Routing.Analyzers
Controller like API registering
📄️ 163 - TypedSignalR.Client
Creating typed Signal R clients
📄️ 164 - RazorSlices
Generating html from razor templates. Attention, generates IHttpResult, not html string.
📄️ 165 - rscg_queryables
Generating code for .Where and .OrderBy by string, not by lambda
📄️ 166 - Datacute.EmbeddedResourcePropertyGenerator
Generating class to access easy the embedded resource
📄️ 167 - polytype
Generating shape like reflection from classes. See PolyType.Examples for more details
📄️ 168 - Credfeto.Version.Information.Generator
Embedding build information as compile time constants in C# projects.
📄️ 169 - GenPack
Generating Binary Serialization and properties for class
📄️ 170 - QueryStringGenerator
Generate from string properties of a class a query string for a URL.
📄️ 171 - Hsu.Sg.FluentMember
Adding builder pattern to classes
📄️ 172 - GoLive.Generator.BlazorInterop
Generating interop from C# to javascript for Blazor
📄️ 173 - Microsoft.Windows.CsWin32
Generating WinAPI code in C#
📄️ 174 - Dapper.AOT
Generating AOT code for Dapper -hydrating classes from SQL queries.
📄️ 175 - Dolly
Clone objects with ease.
📄️ 176 - Darp.BinaryObjects
Serialize bits of data
📄️ 177 - Equatable.Generator
Generating Equals from properties
📄️ 178 - Valuify
Generating Equals from properties
📄️ 179 - ConstructorGenerator
Generate constructor for classes
📄️ 180 - Pure.DI
Constructing injecting container
📄️ 181 - Larcanum.GitInfo
Generates GitInfo data from the current environment.
📄️ 182 - rscg_Interface_to_null_object
Generate null objects for interfaces
📄️ 183 - NTypewriter
Generating code with a template from classes in project
📄️ 184 - MockMe
Creating mocks for testing classes
📄️ 185 - DependencyModules.SourceGenerator
Generating service dependencies from attributes.
📄️ 186 - RSCG_CompositeProvider
Generate composite class from interface, using multiple sources
📄️ 187 - EntityLengths.Generator
Generating constants for max length for properties in entities
📄️ 188 - StepwiseBuilderGenerator
Generating Builder- as steps
📄️ 189 - MemberAccessor
Generate getter and setter for class members.
📄️ 190 - PMart.Enumeration
Constants as enumeration. With EFCore, Swagger and other implementations.