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Name: corecraft

A core library to build cross-platform and highly customizable domain models



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Original Readme


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CoreCraft is a comprehensive toolkit designed to simplify domain modeling and data management in .NET applications. It offers a range of powerful features and functionalities that enable developers to build robust and scalable domain models.

Main Features

The CoreCraft provides a wealth of features, including:

  1. Automatic Domain Model Generation with Roslyn Source Generators: CoreCraft leverages Roslyn Source Generators to automatically generate domain models based on your schema. This automated process eliminates the need for manual coding, saving you time and effort. The generated models are accurate, consistent, and reflect the structure of your schema.

  2. Change Tracking: CoreCraft incorporates change tracking mechanisms that allow you to monitor modifications to your domain model. By tracking changes at a granular level, CoreCraft notifies you of specific modifications, enabling you to respond effectively. This feature eliminates the need for manual change detection and parsing of the entire model.

  3. Undo/Redo Support: CoreCraft simplifies the implementation of undo and redo operations in your application. It provides built-in support for managing and reverting changes, giving users the ability to undo actions and redo them as needed.

  4. Data integrity: CoreCraft follows a command-based execution approach, where the domain model is read-only by default, and modifications are made through commands. When a command executes, it operates on a snapshot of the model, ensuring data integrity in case of exceptions during command execution.

  5. Persistence Options: CoreCraft offers seamless support for persisting your generated domain model. With CoreCraft, there's no need for additional code to handle persistence. It supports saving and loading the model's state to a SQLite database and JSON files. The toolkit takes care of the storage and retrieval process, making it convenient and hassle-free. Additionally, CoreCraft allows for easy implementation of additional storage options, making it flexible to adapt to your specific requirements.

  6. Plugin Architecture Support: CoreCraft is well-suited for use in a plugin architecture. It provides the necessary abstractions and features to support modular development, allowing different plugins to contribute to the overall application state.

  7. Reactive Extensions (Rx.NET) Integration: CoreCraft incorporates Reactive Extensions (Rx.NET) to provide a flexible subscription mechanism. It utilizes the IObservable and IObserver interfaces, allowing you to leverage the power of Rx.NET for event-driven programming and reactive data processing. This integration enables you to easily subscribe to change events and apply custom logic using the extensive set of operators provided by Rx.NET.

CoreCraft empowers developers to create robust and scalable domain models with ease. With automatic model generation, change tracking, persistence options, and support for undo/redo operations, CoreCraft simplifies application state management and enhances the user experience.

NuGet Packages

CoreCraft is distributed as NuGet packages.

CoreCraftNuget (with prereleases)
CoreCraft.GeneratorsNuget (with prereleases)
CoreCraft.Storage.SQLiteNuget (with prereleases)
CoreCraft.Storage.JsonNuget (with prereleases)

Basic usage

The only thing is needed to start using the CoreCraft toolkit is to define the schema for the domain model. Create a *.model.json file that describes your entities, properties and their relations. Here's an example:

"shards": [
"name": "ToDo",
"entities": [
"name": "ToDoItem",
"properties": [
{ "name": "Name", "type": "string", "defaultValue": "string.Empty" }
"collections": [
{ "name": "Items", "entityType": "ToDoItem" }
"relations": []

And add the additional files entry to the project file:

<AdditionalFiles Include="Model.model.json" />

The model schema is the only piece needed to define data of your domain model. Everything else will be automatically generated by the CoreCraft.Generators package.

Now, an instance of the domain model can be created using an instance of generated ToDoModelShard class:

// Create an instance of the domain model
var model = new DomainModel(new[] { new ToDoModelShard() });

Note: instead of using DomainModel class directly, you can use build-in classes (AutoSaveDomainModel, UndoRedoDomainModel) or inherit from it and implement custom logic

Then we need to subscribe to the model changes by providing an event handler method to handle the collection changes.:

// Subscribe to Items collection change events 
using var subscription = model.For<IToDoChangesFrame>()
.With(x => x.Items)

// Observe changes
void OnItemChanged(Change<ICollectionChangeSet<ToDoItem, ToDoItemProperties>> changes)
foreach (var c in changes.Hunk)
Console.WriteLine($"Entity [{c.Entity}] has been {c.Action}ed.");
Console.WriteLine($" Old data: {c.OldData}");
Console.WriteLine($" New data: {c.NewData}");

When subscription is done, let's execute a command to modify the model:

// Adds new item to the collection
(shard, _) => shard.Items.Add(new() { Name = "test" }));

Save the domain model to an SQLite database file.

var storage = new SqliteStorage(Array.Empty<IMigration>());

model.Save(storage, "my_data.db");

Please refer to the documentation for comprehensive information on using the CoreCraft toolkit and its features.





Decomposing properties and class into Domain Models. Seems however too complicated to use

How to use

Example ( source csproj, source files )

This is the CSharp Project that references corecraft

<Project Sdk="Microsoft.NET.Sdk">

<None Remove="Person.model.json" />
<AdditionalFiles Include="Person.model.json">
<PackageReference Include="CoreCraft" Version="0.6.0" />
<PackageReference Include="CoreCraft.Generators" Version="0.6.0">
<IncludeAssets>runtime; build; native; contentfiles; analyzers; buildtransitive</IncludeAssets>

Generated Files

Those are taken from $(BaseIntermediateOutputPath)\GX

// <auto-generated>
// This code was generated by the tool.
// Changes to this file may cause incorrect behavior and will be lost if
// the code is regenerated.
// </auto-generated>

#nullable enable

namespace Json2Code.Person
using CoreCraft.Core;
using CoreCraft.ChangesTracking;
using CoreCraft.Persistence;
using Json2Code.Person.Entities;

[global::System.CodeDom.Compiler.GeneratedCodeAttribute("C# Source Generator", "")]
public interface IPersonShardModelShard : IModelShard
ICollection<Person, PersonProperties> Persons { get; }


[global::System.CodeDom.Compiler.GeneratedCodeAttribute("C# Source Generator", "")]
public interface IMutablePersonShardModelShard : IModelShard
IMutableCollection<Person, PersonProperties> Persons { get; }


[global::System.CodeDom.Compiler.GeneratedCodeAttribute("C# Source Generator", "")]
internal static class PersonShardModelShardInfo
public static readonly CollectionInfo PersonsInfo = new("PersonShard", "Persons", new PropertyInfo[] { new("FirstName", typeof(string), false), new("LastName", typeof(string), false) });


[global::System.CodeDom.Compiler.GeneratedCodeAttribute("C# Source Generator", "")]
internal sealed partial class PersonShardModelShard : IPersonShardModelShard
public const string PersonsId = "Json2Code.Person.PersonShard.Persons";

public PersonShardModelShard()
Persons = new Collection<Person, PersonProperties>(
static id => new Person(id),
static () => new PersonProperties());


internal PersonShardModelShard(IMutablePersonShardModelShard mutable)
Persons = ((IMutableState<ICollection<Person, PersonProperties>>)mutable.Persons).AsReadOnly();


public ICollection<Person, PersonProperties> Persons { get; init; } = null!;


internal sealed partial class PersonShardModelShard : IReadOnlyState<IMutablePersonShardModelShard>
public IMutablePersonShardModelShard AsMutable(global::System.Collections.Generic.IEnumerable<IFeature> features)
var persons = (IMutableCollection<Person, PersonProperties>)Persons;

foreach (var feature in features)
persons = feature.Decorate(this, persons);


return new MutablePersonShardModelShard()
Persons = persons,


internal sealed partial class PersonShardModelShard : ICanBeSaved
public void Save(IRepository repository)
repository.Save(PersonShardModelShardInfo.PersonsInfo, Persons);


internal sealed partial class PersonShardModelShard : IFeatureContext
IChangesFrame IFeatureContext.GetOrAddFrame(IMutableModelChanges modelChanges)
return modelChanges.Register(static () => new PersonShardChangesFrame());

[global::System.CodeDom.Compiler.GeneratedCodeAttribute("C# Source Generator", "")]
public interface IPersonShardChangesFrame : IChangesFrame
ICollectionChangeSet<Person, PersonProperties> Persons { get; }


[global::System.CodeDom.Compiler.GeneratedCodeAttribute("C# Source Generator", "")]
internal sealed class PersonShardChangesFrame : IPersonShardChangesFrame, IChangesFrameEx, ICanBeSaved
public PersonShardChangesFrame()
Persons = new CollectionChangeSet<Person, PersonProperties>(PersonShardModelShard.PersonsId);


public ICollectionChangeSet<Person, PersonProperties> Persons { get; private set; }

ICollectionChangeSet<TEntity, TProperty>? IChangesFrame.Get<TEntity, TProperty>(ICollection<TEntity, TProperty> collection)
if (Persons.Id == collection.Id) return Persons as ICollectionChangeSet<TEntity, TProperty>;

throw new System.InvalidOperationException("Unable to find collection's changes set");

IRelationChangeSet<TParent, TChild>? IChangesFrame.Get<TParent, TChild>(IRelation<TParent, TChild> relation)

throw new System.InvalidOperationException($"Unable to find relation's change set");

IChangesFrame IChangesFrame.Invert()
return new PersonShardChangesFrame()
Persons = Persons.Invert(),


public void Apply(IModel model)
var modelShard = model.Shard<IMutablePersonShardModelShard>();


public bool HasChanges()
return Persons.HasChanges();

public IChangesFrame Merge(IChangesFrame frame)
var typedFrame = (PersonShardChangesFrame)frame;

return new PersonShardChangesFrame()
Persons = Persons.Merge(typedFrame.Persons),


public void Save(IRepository repository)
repository.Save(PersonShardModelShardInfo.PersonsInfo, Persons);



[global::System.CodeDom.Compiler.GeneratedCodeAttribute("C# Source Generator", "")]
internal sealed class MutablePersonShardModelShard : IMutablePersonShardModelShard, IMutableState<IPersonShardModelShard>, ICanBeLoaded
public IMutableCollection<Person, PersonProperties> Persons { get; init; } = null!;

public IPersonShardModelShard AsReadOnly()
return new PersonShardModelShard(this);

public void Load(IRepository repository)
repository.Load(PersonShardModelShardInfo.PersonsInfo, Persons);



namespace Json2Code.Person.Entities
using CoreCraft.Core;

[global::System.CodeDom.Compiler.GeneratedCodeAttribute("C# Source Generator", "")]
public sealed record Person(global::System.Guid Id) : Entity(Id)
internal Person() : this(global::System.Guid.NewGuid())

[global::System.CodeDom.Compiler.GeneratedCodeAttribute("C# Source Generator", "")]
public sealed partial record PersonProperties : Properties
public PersonProperties()
FirstName = "Andrei";
LastName = "Ignat";

public string FirstName { get; init; }
public string LastName { get; init; }

public override PersonProperties ReadFrom(IPropertiesBag bag)
public override Properties ReadFrom(IPropertiesBag bag)
return new PersonProperties()
FirstName = bag.Read<string>("FirstName"),
LastName = bag.Read<string>("LastName"),

public override void WriteTo(IPropertiesBag bag)
bag.Write("FirstName", FirstName);
bag.Write("LastName", LastName);




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