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sourcedepend by Colin Wilmans

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Name: sourcedepend

A source generator for C# that uses Roslyn (the C# compiler) to allow you to generate your constructor for injection during compile time.

Author: Colin Wilmans


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Source Depend

A source generator for C# that uses Roslyn (the C# compiler) to help you with dependency injection (DI). It saves you from writing the constructor because this will be written for you (during compile time). Just tag the member with a [Dependency] attribute.

NuGet version (sourcedepend) License

Version history

  • v0.1. First implementation.
  • v0.2. Complete rewrite from ISourceGenerator to IIncrementalGenerator, this should boost performance
    • keep sealed and accessibility intact.
  • v0.3. Complete Rewrite: reorganized the code.
    • Allow one level of inheritance.

How to use it

Install it and add the attribute to the fields or properties you want be set in your constructor, like so:

public partial class ExampleService
private readonly AnotherService anotherService;

AnotherService Prop { get; }

Alternative assignment

It is also possible that the generated assignment is to an alternative property:

public partial class ExampleService
AnotherService ViewModel => BindingContext as AnotherService;


And it is possible to inherit from a base implementation that also uses the [Dependency] attribute:

internal partial class BaseExampleService
private readonly IForBaseService _someBaseService;

internal partial class ExampleService : BaseExampleService


Add construction work

Because your constructor is highjacked, there are the alternative methods PreConstruct/PostConstruct to do your construction work:

public partial class ExampleService
private readonly AnotherService anotherService;

///This method will be called before the generated assignments
partial void PreConstruct()

///This method will be called after the generated assignments
partial void PostConstruct() => anotherService.ConstructValue = "Hello from post-construct!";

These samples give the following combined generated code:

namespace ConsoleApp
public partial class ExampleService
public ExampleService(ConsoleApp.IAnotherService anotherService, ConsoleApp.AnotherService prop, ConsoleApp.AnotherService viewModel, ConsoleApp.IForBaseService someBaseService) : base(someBaseService)

this.anotherService = anotherService;
Prop = prop;
BindingContext = viewModel;


partial void PreConstruct();
partial void PostConstruct();

namespace ConsoleApp
/// <inheritdoc/>
internal partial class BaseExampleService
public BaseExampleService(ConsoleApp.IForBaseService someBaseService)

this._someBaseService = someBaseService;


partial void PreConstruct();
partial void PostConstruct();


The package is available on NuGet. To install from the command line:

dotnet add package sourcedepend

Or use the Package Manager in Visual Studio.


The main supported IDE for development is Visual Studio 2019.

Questions, comments, bug reports, and pull requests are all welcome. Bug reports that include steps to reproduce (including code) are preferred. Even better, make them in the form of pull requests.

Maintainers/Core team

Contributors can be found at the contributors page on Github.


This software is open source, licensed under the MIT License. See LICENSE for details. Check out the terms of the license before you contribute, fork, copy or do anything with the code. If you decide to contribute you agree to grant copyright of all your contribution to this project and agree to mention clearly if do not agree to these terms. Your work will be licensed with the project at MIT, along the rest of the code.



Generating constructor for DI

How to use

Example ( source csproj, source files )

This is the CSharp Project that references sourcedepend

<Project Sdk="Microsoft.NET.Sdk">



<PackageReference Include="SourceDepend" Version="0.3.0" />


Generated Files

Those are taken from $(BaseIntermediateOutputPath)\GX

// <auto-generated />

/// <summary>
/// Injects this item in the constructor. This will also highjack your constructor, so if you have any construct business, use PreConstruct() or PostConstruct() methods.
/// </summary>
/// <remarks>
/// Make sure your class is partial.
/// </remarks>
[System.AttributeUsage(System.AttributeTargets.Field | System.AttributeTargets.Property, Inherited = false, AllowMultiple = false)]
internal sealed class DependencyAttribute : System.Attribute
internal DependencyAttribute(string alternativePropertyName = null) { }


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In the same category (Constructor) - 5 other generators




