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StaticReflection by Cricle

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Name: StaticReflection

Use roslyn to make relection static, autogen code for type reflection

Author: Cricle


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A fast, easy, scalable static reflection.

Fast use

  • Install from nuget FastStaticReflection, FastStaticReflection.CodeGen

  • Write assembly class

[StaticReflectionAssembly]//for generate assembly code
public partial class C
  • Tag static type reflection
//You can Tag at assembly
[assembly: StaticReflection(Type = typeof(StaticReflection.Sample.A))]

//Or Property
[StaticReflection(Type =typeof(B))]
public A a { get; set; }

//Or class
public class A
  • For use
internal class Program
static void Main(string[] args)
var b=new Student();
var @class=C.Default.Types.First(x => x.Name == "Student");
@class.SetProperty(b, "Id", 1);//Reflection get property value
Console.WriteLine("Id: "+@class.GetProperty(b, "Id"));//Reflection set property value
var @event = (IEventTransfer)@class.Events.First(x => x.Name == "AlreadyGoSchool");
using (var eventScope = @event.CreateScope(b))
eventScope.EventTransfed += Instance_EventTransfed;//Reflection listen event
var method = @class.Methods.First(x => x.Name == "GoToSchool");
Console.WriteLine("GoToSchool:" + method.InvokeUsualMethod(b));//Reflection call method
var obj = @class.Constructors.First(x => x.ArgumentTypes.Count == 0);
var inst = obj.InvokeUsualMethod(null);//Reflection create object

private static void Instance_EventTransfed(object? sender, EventTransferEventArgs e)
Console.WriteLine("EventRaise: " + e.Args[0]);
public record class Student
public int Id { get; set; }

public string? Name { get; set; }

public event EventHandler<Student>? AlreadyGoSchool;

public int GoToSchool()
AlreadyGoSchool?.Invoke(this, this);
return Id;
public partial class C





Call prop/methods on classes

How to use

Example ( source csproj, source files )

This is the CSharp Project that references StaticReflection

<Project Sdk="Microsoft.NET.Sdk">


<PackageReference Include="FastStaticReflection" Version="1.0.0-preview.3" />
<PackageReference Include="FastStaticReflection.CodeGen" Version="1.0.0-preview.3" />

Generated Files

Those are taken from $(BaseIntermediateOutputPath)\GX

// <auto-generated/>
#pragma warning disable CS9082
#pragma warning disable CS8669
namespace StaticReflectionDemo
[global::System.CodeDom.Compiler.GeneratedCodeAttribute("StaticReflection.CodeGen", "1.0.0")]
internal sealed class PersonReflection : StaticReflection.ITypeDefine
[global::System.CodeDom.Compiler.GeneratedCodeAttribute("StaticReflection.CodeGen", "1.0.0")]
internal sealed class Person0PReflection : StaticReflection.IMemberInvokeDefine<StaticReflectionDemo.Person, string>, StaticReflection.IPropertyDefine, StaticReflection.IMemberAnonymousInvokeDefine
public static readonly Person0PReflection Instance = new Person0PReflection();
public System.Type DeclareType { get; } = typeof(StaticReflectionDemo.Person);
public System.String Name { get; } = "FirstName";
public System.String MetadataName { get; } = "FirstName";
public System.Boolean IsVirtual { get; } = false;
public System.Boolean IsStatic { get; } = false;
public System.Boolean IsOverride { get; } = false;
public System.Boolean IsAbstract { get; } = false;
public System.Boolean IsSealed { get; } = false;
public System.Boolean IsDefinition { get; } = true;
public System.Boolean IsExtern { get; } = false;
public System.Boolean IsImplicitlyDeclared { get; } = false;
public System.Boolean CanBeReferencedByName { get; } = true;
public System.Boolean IsPublic { get; } = true;
public System.Boolean IsPrivate { get; } = false;
public System.Boolean IsProtected { get; } = false;
public System.Boolean IsInternal { get; } = false;
public System.Type PropertyType { get; } = typeof(string);
public System.Boolean CanRead { get; } = true;
public System.Boolean CanWrite { get; } = true;
public System.Boolean IsRequired { get; } = false;
public System.Boolean IsWithEvents { get; } = false;
public System.Boolean ReturnsByRef { get; } = false;
public System.Boolean ReturnsByRefReadonly { get; } = false;
public System.Collections.Generic.IReadOnlyList<System.Attribute> GetterAttributes { get; } = new System.Attribute[]
public System.Collections.Generic.IReadOnlyList<System.Attribute> SetterAttributes { get; } = new System.Attribute[]
public System.Collections.Generic.IReadOnlyList<System.Attribute> Attributes { get; } = new System.Attribute[]

public string GetValue(Person instance)
return instance.FirstName;

public void SetValue(Person instance, string value)
instance.FirstName = value;

public void SetValueAnonymous(object instance, object value)
SetValue((StaticReflectionDemo.Person)instance, (string)value);

public object GetValueAnonymous(object instance)
return (object)GetValue((StaticReflectionDemo.Person)instance);

[global::System.CodeDom.Compiler.GeneratedCodeAttribute("StaticReflection.CodeGen", "1.0.0")]
internal sealed class Person1PReflection : StaticReflection.IMemberInvokeDefine<StaticReflectionDemo.Person, string>, StaticReflection.IPropertyDefine, StaticReflection.IMemberAnonymousInvokeDefine
public static readonly Person1PReflection Instance = new Person1PReflection();
public System.Type DeclareType { get; } = typeof(StaticReflectionDemo.Person);
public System.String Name { get; } = "LastName";
public System.String MetadataName { get; } = "LastName";
public System.Boolean IsVirtual { get; } = false;
public System.Boolean IsStatic { get; } = false;
public System.Boolean IsOverride { get; } = false;
public System.Boolean IsAbstract { get; } = false;
public System.Boolean IsSealed { get; } = false;
public System.Boolean IsDefinition { get; } = true;
public System.Boolean IsExtern { get; } = false;
public System.Boolean IsImplicitlyDeclared { get; } = false;
public System.Boolean CanBeReferencedByName { get; } = true;
public System.Boolean IsPublic { get; } = true;
public System.Boolean IsPrivate { get; } = false;
public System.Boolean IsProtected { get; } = false;
public System.Boolean IsInternal { get; } = false;
public System.Type PropertyType { get; } = typeof(string);
public System.Boolean CanRead { get; } = true;
public System.Boolean CanWrite { get; } = true;
public System.Boolean IsRequired { get; } = false;
public System.Boolean IsWithEvents { get; } = false;
public System.Boolean ReturnsByRef { get; } = false;
public System.Boolean ReturnsByRefReadonly { get; } = false;
public System.Collections.Generic.IReadOnlyList<System.Attribute> GetterAttributes { get; } = new System.Attribute[]
public System.Collections.Generic.IReadOnlyList<System.Attribute> SetterAttributes { get; } = new System.Attribute[]
public System.Collections.Generic.IReadOnlyList<System.Attribute> Attributes { get; } = new System.Attribute[]

public string GetValue(Person instance)
return instance.LastName;

public void SetValue(Person instance, string value)
instance.LastName = value;

public void SetValueAnonymous(object instance, object value)
SetValue((StaticReflectionDemo.Person)instance, (string)value);

public object GetValueAnonymous(object instance)
return (object)GetValue((StaticReflectionDemo.Person)instance);

[global::System.CodeDom.Compiler.GeneratedCodeAttribute("StaticReflection.CodeGen", "1.0.0")]
internal sealed class Person0MReflection : StaticReflection.IMethodDefine, StaticReflection.Invoking.IArgsMethod<StaticReflectionDemo.Person, string>, StaticReflection.Invoking.IArgs0AnonymousMethod, StaticReflection.Invoking.IUsualArgsMethod<StaticReflectionDemo.Person, string>, StaticReflection.Invoking.IUsualArgs0AnonymousMethod
public static readonly Person0MReflection Instance = new Person0MReflection();
private Person0MReflection()

public System.String Name { get; } = "Name";
public System.String MetadataName { get; } = "Name";
public System.Boolean IsVirtual { get; } = false;
public System.Boolean IsStatic { get; } = false;
public System.Boolean IsOverride { get; } = false;
public System.Boolean IsAbstract { get; } = false;
public System.Boolean IsSealed { get; } = false;
public System.Boolean IsDefinition { get; } = true;
public System.Boolean IsExtern { get; } = false;
public System.Boolean IsImplicitlyDeclared { get; } = false;
public System.Boolean CanBeReferencedByName { get; } = true;
public System.Boolean IsPublic { get; } = true;
public System.Boolean IsPrivate { get; } = false;
public System.Boolean IsProtected { get; } = false;
public System.Boolean IsInternal { get; } = false;
public System.Collections.Generic.IReadOnlyList<System.Attribute> Attributes { get; } = new System.Attribute[]
public System.Type DeclareType { get; } = typeof(StaticReflectionDemo.Person);
public System.Boolean ReturnsByRef { get; } = false;
public StaticReflection.StaticMethodKind MethodKind { get; } = StaticReflection.StaticMethodKind.Ordinary;
public StaticReflection.StaticRefKind RefKind { get; } = StaticReflection.StaticRefKind.None;
public StaticReflection.StaticNullableAnnotation ReturnNullableAnnotation { get; } = StaticReflection.StaticNullableAnnotation.NotAnnotated;
public StaticReflection.StaticNullableAnnotation ReceiverNullableAnnotation { get; } = StaticReflection.StaticNullableAnnotation.NotAnnotated;
public System.Boolean ReturnsByRefReadonly { get; } = false;
public System.Type ReturnType { get; } = typeof(string);
public System.Collections.Generic.IReadOnlyList<System.Type> ArgumentTypes { get; } = new System.Type[]
public System.Boolean IsGenericMethod { get; } = false;
public System.Int32 Arity { get; } = 0;
public System.Boolean IsExtensionMethod { get; } = false;
public System.Boolean IsAsync { get; } = false;
public System.Boolean IsVararg { get; } = false;
public System.Boolean IsCheckedBuiltin { get; } = false;
public System.Boolean HidesBaseMethodsByName { get; } = false;
public System.Boolean ReturnsVoid { get; } = false;
public System.Boolean IsReadOnly { get; } = false;
public System.Boolean IsInitOnly { get; } = false;
public System.Boolean IsPartialDefinition { get; } = false;
public System.Boolean IsConditional { get; } = false;
public System.Collections.Generic.IReadOnlyList<StaticReflection.ITypeArgumentDefine> TypeArguments { get; } = new StaticReflection.ITypeArgumentDefine[]
public System.Collections.Generic.IReadOnlyList<System.Attribute> ReturnTypeAttributes { get; } = new System.Attribute[]

ref string Invoke(StaticReflectionDemo.Person instance)
ref string result = ref System.Runtime.CompilerServices.Unsafe.AsRef(instance.Name());
return ref result;

ref object InvokeAnonymous(object instance)
return ref System.Runtime.CompilerServices.Unsafe.AsRef<object>(Invoke((StaticReflectionDemo.Person)instance));

public string InvokeUsual(StaticReflectionDemo.Person instance)
return instance.Name();

public object InvokeUsualAnonymous(object instance)
return InvokeUsual((StaticReflectionDemo.Person)instance);

[global::System.CodeDom.Compiler.GeneratedCodeAttribute("StaticReflection.CodeGen", "1.0.0")]
internal sealed class Person0CReflection : StaticReflection.IConstructorDefine, StaticReflection.Invoking.IArgsMethod<StaticReflectionDemo.Person, StaticReflectionDemo.Person>, StaticReflection.Invoking.IArgs0AnonymousMethod, StaticReflection.Invoking.IUsualArgsMethod<StaticReflectionDemo.Person, StaticReflectionDemo.Person>, StaticReflection.Invoking.IUsualArgs0AnonymousMethod
public static readonly Person0CReflection Instance = new Person0CReflection();
private Person0CReflection()

public System.String Name { get; } = ".ctor";
public System.String MetadataName { get; } = ".ctor";
public System.Boolean IsVirtual { get; } = false;
public System.Boolean IsStatic { get; } = false;
public System.Boolean IsOverride { get; } = false;
public System.Boolean IsAbstract { get; } = false;
public System.Boolean IsSealed { get; } = false;
public System.Boolean IsDefinition { get; } = true;
public System.Boolean IsExtern { get; } = false;
public System.Boolean IsImplicitlyDeclared { get; } = true;
public System.Boolean CanBeReferencedByName { get; } = false;
public System.Boolean IsPublic { get; } = true;
public System.Boolean IsPrivate { get; } = false;
public System.Boolean IsProtected { get; } = false;
public System.Boolean IsInternal { get; } = false;
public System.Collections.Generic.IReadOnlyList<System.Attribute> Attributes { get; } = new System.Attribute[]
public System.Type DeclareType { get; } = typeof(StaticReflectionDemo.Person);
public System.Boolean ReturnsByRef { get; } = false;
public StaticReflection.StaticMethodKind MethodKind { get; } = StaticReflection.StaticMethodKind.Constructor;
public StaticReflection.StaticRefKind RefKind { get; } = StaticReflection.StaticRefKind.None;
public StaticReflection.StaticNullableAnnotation ReturnNullableAnnotation { get; } = StaticReflection.StaticNullableAnnotation.NotAnnotated;
public StaticReflection.StaticNullableAnnotation ReceiverNullableAnnotation { get; } = StaticReflection.StaticNullableAnnotation.NotAnnotated;
public System.Boolean ReturnsByRefReadonly { get; } = false;
public System.Type ReturnType { get; } = typeof(StaticReflectionDemo.Person);
public System.Collections.Generic.IReadOnlyList<System.Type> ArgumentTypes { get; } = new System.Type[]
public System.Boolean IsGenericMethod { get; } = false;
public System.Int32 Arity { get; } = 0;
public System.Boolean IsExtensionMethod { get; } = false;
public System.Boolean IsAsync { get; } = false;
public System.Boolean IsVararg { get; } = false;
public System.Boolean IsCheckedBuiltin { get; } = false;
public System.Boolean HidesBaseMethodsByName { get; } = false;
public System.Boolean ReturnsVoid { get; } = true;
public System.Boolean IsReadOnly { get; } = false;
public System.Boolean IsInitOnly { get; } = false;
public System.Boolean IsPartialDefinition { get; } = false;
public System.Boolean IsConditional { get; } = false;
public System.Collections.Generic.IReadOnlyList<StaticReflection.ITypeArgumentDefine> TypeArguments { get; } = new StaticReflection.ITypeArgumentDefine[]
public System.Collections.Generic.IReadOnlyList<System.Attribute> ReturnTypeAttributes { get; } = new System.Attribute[]

ref StaticReflectionDemo.Person Invoke(StaticReflectionDemo.Person instance)
ref StaticReflectionDemo.Person result = ref System.Runtime.CompilerServices.Unsafe.AsRef(new Person());
return ref result;

ref object InvokeAnonymous(object instance)
return ref System.Runtime.CompilerServices.Unsafe.AsRef<object>(Invoke((StaticReflectionDemo.Person)instance));

public StaticReflectionDemo.Person InvokeUsual(StaticReflectionDemo.Person instance)
return new Person();

public object InvokeUsualAnonymous(object instance)
return InvokeUsual((StaticReflectionDemo.Person)instance);

public static readonly PersonReflection Instance = new PersonReflection();
public System.Type DeclareType { get; } = typeof(StaticReflectionDemo.Person);
public System.String Name { get; } = "Person";
public System.String MetadataName { get; } = "Person";
public System.Boolean IsVirtual { get; } = false;
public System.Boolean IsStatic { get; } = false;
public System.Boolean IsOverride { get; } = false;
public System.Boolean IsAbstract { get; } = false;
public System.Boolean IsSealed { get; } = false;
public System.Boolean IsDefinition { get; } = true;
public System.Boolean IsExtern { get; } = false;
public System.Boolean IsImplicitlyDeclared { get; } = false;
public System.Boolean CanBeReferencedByName { get; } = true;
public System.Boolean IsPublic { get; } = false;
public System.Boolean IsPrivate { get; } = false;
public System.Boolean IsProtected { get; } = false;
public System.Boolean IsInternal { get; } = true;
public System.Type? BaseType { get; } = typeof(StaticReflectionDemo.Person);
public System.Boolean IsReferenceType { get; } = true;
public System.Boolean IsValueType { get; } = false;
public System.Boolean IsAnonymousType { get; } = false;
public System.Boolean IsTupleType { get; } = false;
public System.Boolean IsNativeIntegerType { get; } = false;
public System.Boolean IsRefLikeType { get; } = false;
public System.Boolean IsUnmanagedType { get; } = false;
public System.Boolean IsReadOnly { get; } = false;
public System.Boolean IsRecord { get; } = false;
public System.Int32 TypeKind { get; } = 2;
public StaticReflection.StaticNullableAnnotation NullableAnnotation { get; } = StaticReflection.StaticNullableAnnotation.None;
public System.Collections.Generic.IReadOnlyList<System.String> Interfaces { get; } = new System.String[]
public System.Collections.Generic.IReadOnlyList<System.String> AllInterfaces { get; } = new System.String[]
public System.Collections.Generic.IReadOnlyList<System.Attribute> Attributes { get; } = new System.Attribute[]
new StaticReflection.Annotions.StaticReflectionAttribute()
public System.Collections.Generic.IReadOnlyList<StaticReflection.IPropertyDefine> Properties { get; } = new StaticReflection.IPropertyDefine[]
public System.Collections.Generic.IReadOnlyList<StaticReflection.IMethodDefine> Methods { get; } = new StaticReflection.IMethodDefine[]
public System.Collections.Generic.IReadOnlyList<StaticReflection.IEventDefine> Events { get; } = new StaticReflection.IEventDefine[]
public System.Collections.Generic.IReadOnlyList<StaticReflection.IFieldDefine> Fields { get; } = new StaticReflection.IFieldDefine[]
public System.Collections.Generic.IReadOnlyList<StaticReflection.IConstructorDefine> Constructors { get; } = new StaticReflection.IConstructorDefine[]


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